
Setup ROS2 in a Docker Container

If you have ever tried building a third party ROS package, you know the time and effort it takes to setup the required dependencies. Often times, the package you are trying to install will be compatible with only specific versions of its dependencies. Running your ROS Installation inside a Docker Container can help solve many of these problems.

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SLAM with MIT-Racecar (Gazebo)

For a recent project, I had to map an environment using the MIT-Racecar robot in Gazebo. This is a log of my progress implementing Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) on the MIT-Racecar bot. I encountered some interesting problems, and learnt a few things while solving them. In this short post, I will summarise the steps that I used to ...

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Mobile Robot 1: URDF, Sensors, Gazebo and Rviz

I developed a ROS package that implements SLAM and Autonomous Navigation on a custom 2 wheeled Differential Drive robot in Gazebo. Throughout the development of this project, I learnt several new ROS concepts which are essential to understand for any beginner. This post summarises the steps that I followed with relevant links for learning the same.

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